
The Ian Martin Group

PA Product

We can help you achieve more with technology.

Reach out to learn more.

Founded in 1957, the Ian Martin Group has a long, trusted history of Engineering, IT, and Technical recruitment, contract management, and payroll service excellence. Over the last few years, we’ve grown into a family of companies that provide specialized hiring support across a broad range of industries.

Part 1

Diverse business models and brands for the staffing industry.

Part 2

What processes are you currently addressing with 1Staff Planning powered by Kepion.

Part 3

Why real time budgeting and forecasting is important for staffing organizations.

Part 4

Two examples of reacting quickly to data with 1Staff Planning.

Part 5

Why is driver based planning critical to staffing.

"Rather than having employees spend time pulling information together. I’d rather have people spend their time with the information. If they have a report that just gives them the information and an easy to read, easy to understand format, then they can spend time on more value."

Karen Mann, The Ian Martin Group

Part 6

Who at Ian Martin Benefits from 1Staff Planning.

Part 7

Why did 1Staff Planning stand out when evaluating budgeting forecasting & reporting solutions.

Part 8

How much time does it take now to design your annual budget vs what you envision with 1Staff Planning.

“In order to be the best company that you can be, you need the best data and you need that to be real time data. You can’t get stale, you need to react to things that are around you and being able to do that quickly and with good, reliable real time information is really important I think for company success. ”

Jennifer Silverio, CTS System Specialist, CPS Recruitment

Part 9

How do you envision individuals outside of the finance team using 1Staff Planning.

Part 10

Experience working with Professional Advantage and next steps.

Want to find out more about The Ian Martin Group?

1Staff boosts efficiency, increases productivity, generates insights, maximises margins, and improves cash flow. Whether you are looking for a full suite of functionallity, or a robust front office or back office to integrate with your existing solution, 1Staff has you covered.